Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Internets...you so crazy! (Just a quick post)

Crazy in a good way.

Just in the past few days, I've been able to uncover more and more resources for transdads, and DI dads.  I swear when I was looking months ago I found nothing.  But the Google Search Gods must have come together in the "Let's show Marc the way" meeting and opened up a world of info for me.

And I didn't have to go through 20 pages in the search either... Seriously, how many "O's" can the word Google have before it should really just say, "What the fuck are you looking for?!"

Well, thank you Google Search Gods.... Thank you.

Its times like this I'm glad we have things like the internet. 


  1. Feel free to share any awesome articles you are finding!

    1. Totally! I'm trying to gather up several of them so I can have them linked to the blog for people.
