Monday, December 1, 2014

Halloween, Thanksgiving and Gallstones... OH MY.

To quote one one of my favorite movies:  "Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well!

Hi... I'm Marc and I suck at keeping up to date.  I guess I have somewhat of an excuse.  Things have just been insanely busy.  I'll try and not make this post too long.  No one really wants to read my babbling anyway.

The last time I updated was over 2 months ago.  Our little man is now 3 months old!!  I'll get to pictures in a bit.  Time is just going by so fucking fast!  Its kind of scary to be honest.  I feel like there are times I'm neglecting life. But my wife and G are my life so I guess I'm not really neglecting it. 

I feel that I've hit a new point in my life.  Maybe the word "point" isn't the best word.  Its more like a milestone... maybe.  Its this new phase (Yes... phase is the word I wanted ha ha.) in life.  I have this need to be around other new parents, mainly new fathers.  Someone to talk to, rant to, bounce parenting ideas off of.  But I feel like I have ZERO time for that.  Zero time for socializing really.  And when we do, there are times I feel like we are "those" people.  If we were a title of an episode of Friends.. we'd be, "The Ones With The Baby".   I don't mean to make it sound negative.  I am VERY happy about it.  But its this phase much like the one after you get married and your the only married couple among your group of friends.  And sometimes you just feel awkward about trying to hang out with people.  I'm not really sure how to explain it.  But I know there are others that can understand what I mean.  Shit, maybe its just me.  Who knows.  Between craziness of work, being a new dad and my wife's health (which I'll get to in a minute), things are pretty much a whirlwind right now.

With life going by so fast and G growing up is starting to get me a bit worried.  The sooner he grows up the sooner I'll have to be more upfront about his origins.  I talk about to him now but its not like he knows what I'm really saying.  The more I talk to him about how much Jen and I wanted him in our lives, and that we had to use a donor in order to make this happen does help me talk about it more openly.  But I also don't have him talking back to me asking questions.  I don't know how he will feel about it.  I'm PROUD of being a transdad.  I'm PROUD of our unique family.  And I want him to be PROUD of where he came from too.  But how do I know he will?  I don't.  And that worries me sometimes.  

My parents finally were able to come up and meet G in person!  That was exciting!

G and his Baba.

G and his Grandpa.
Halloween... we did dress G up in a costume for his first Halloween.  He was an ADORABLE turtle!

Turtle time!

He is so cute!

We also had this little outfit a friend of mine made!

So not only did my parents come and G got to dress up for Halloween.  He also turned 2 months old!

He does NOT look amused.

November... We were able to get some really nice pictures done as a family.  LOVE these.  They turned out AMAZING.  (Also I was happy that I had a GOOD hair day! ha ha)

My brother, who lives in Wisconsin, sent G his first sports tee.  We are not sports fans but it looks good on him!

Game Face Ready! He looks so grown up in this picture.
And with November, G is now 3 months old!

He was probably pooping in this picture.
And then...comes Thanksgiving.  And this year I have SO much to be thankful for.  And the majority of the reason is why I do this blog.  For my son.  I'll definitely do an "End of the Year" blog post and get into more detail but this kid right here, has changed my life for the better.  My son, where the phrase, "Love at first sight" rings the most true.   And also with Thanksgiving brings the third element of my blog title... Gallstones.

My wife has been having a lot of health issues since after G was born.  What the docs first thought was just major acid reflux, it was really gallstone.  At least we know the real reason for all the pain and discomfort she has been dealing with.  She already had an appointment set up to talk with the surgeon to have her gallbladder removed, but on Thanksgiving she had this massive attack that ended up with her being put in the hospital with pancreatitis.  And that is how we spent our Thanksgiving this year.  Ideally not how we wanted to spend our first Thanksgiving with G but we just gotta roll with the punches.  Hopefully, she can get this gallbladder out and be pain free by the new year.

That about wraps it up for now I guess. Right now Jen is sleeping after an exhausting day at work and with G (She is able to take him to work with her which is great.) and she is still not feeling 100%.  G is sleeping in his little rocker in the living room while I sit here typing.  The TV is on but I'm not really paying attention, and I all of a sudden started thinking.  Thinking about my life.  Thinking about how far I've gone in my own journey of self-discovery.  

I remember in high school, just wanting to know WHO I was.  And when I thought I knew... I was only just beginning to discover my true self. 

When we're young, we all have this vision of what we think life is going to be for us.  Or at least, what we hope for it to be.  We take our map and try to draw the route on how we are going to get from point A to point B.  Deep down, we all know its never going to go as we planned.  There will be detours, closed roads, accidents, construction and major traffic jams.  And in certain moments, we all have road rage. However, every now and then, I think we all need to just take a second and look in the rear view mirror.  And be proud of how far we've gone.

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