Friday, April 25, 2014

Let's Go Shopping

Clothes shopping.

Its something that I personally HATED with a passion as a kid. My mother would try to get me to dress more girly but soon realized that it wasn’t for me. She was great about just letting me be the “tomboy” I thought I was. It honestly wasn’t until I was about a year into my transition that I really ENJOYED shopping for clothes. I found my style and loved getting dressed up. And now I get to shop for my kid! This makes me very happy.

But slightly conflicted at the same time….

As I’m sifting through all the adorable dapper boys clothes for my son, I start to think. The only person that will be able to tell me the gender of my kid will be my kid. But am I wrong for picking out male clothes for him? I mean of course once he is able to pick out his own style of clothing he can wear whatever he wants to express his gender. I feel sometimes that people who know that I’m trans, might question on how I am making my son conform to gender norms early. But infants aren’t able to convey those things… right?

Its little things like this that make me wish I knew other transgender parents. I guess this is just another thing I can add to my “Worry List” I’ll have as a parent.


  1. Two thoughts on this:
    Infants don't so much have gender. We push it on them with pinks and blues and bows and trucks, but they don't express it at all. So you aren't in the wrong using his sex to pick his clothes.

    But, I always feel like if I ever were to have a little goober of my own, I would try hard to remember that there is nothing naturally gendered about pinks and blues and bows and trucks. Especially trucks. They're awesome for everyone.

    1. Good points Sarah! I totally agree. Until a child can express things, I guess you just go with the flow. And now harm.

      Also. Yes trucks ARE awesome for everyone. :)
